About Us
Welcome to Cigar Cellar, where passion meets precision in the world of cigars and humidors. At Cigar Cellar, we are dedicated to enhancing the ambiance and profitability of businesses like yours, including golf clubhouses, wine shops, breweries, and convenience stores. Our mission is clear: to provide you with not just cigars and humidors, but an exceptional experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.
Selection & Quality
We understand that the perfect cigar can complement a fine wine, a craft beer, or even a round of golf. That's why we've meticulously curated a selection of cigars that harmonize with your core offerings. Our cigars are not just products; they're an invitation to elevate the senses, enhancing the overall experience of your establishment. But we don't stop at the cigars themselves. Our managed humidors are a testament to our commitment to excellence. We're not just selling a product; we're crafting an environment where cigars age gracefully and maintain their peak flavors. Our team of experts takes care of every detail, ensuring your humidors are always in optimal condition, ready to impress your discerning clientele.